Friday, May 1, 2009

Shil came my hse and we did................... CRAZY STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When i said crazy i meat VERY CRAZY that my bf said we look like kids haha!!!! so fun!
Seriously, if we meet everyday. Both of us will loss our voice. Singing talking and laughing.....we talk soooooo loud! We can't tell secret, cos people around us will hear us...
That time we went to mac after Kbox, we like talk sooo loud... We kept thinking like we can't hear each other properly ..... and our laughhhh...... a very unqiue one that scare guys away. Thats what our parents said.
This is one of the crazy thing we did but not the craziest lol.. We took 53photos but i'm not gg to upload all.......

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