Anyone can help me solve a mystery case? I lost my phone AGAIN. Yes, AGAIN. My hp mysteriously disappeared.....
11.00: Went my cousin house to watch drama
2.30: went mall
3.30: reach hm aand continue watching
3.45: fashion lab called (that was the last time i used my phone)
3.47: i hanged up and saw a msg send by my cousin (the msg is sent at 3pm when i was at mall but i sin saw it)
9.30pm: Yes, night. My bro came out from the room and said, my dad called my hp but i din answered.
And i start to search for my hp.
10pm: still can't find, i called my hp several times and no ringing sound.
So~ where is my phone?? I did not leave my house after i came back from mall. So where is it??
I guess it had been thrown into the BIG bin. Why? Cause when i start to look for my phone. My cousin and my aunt help to search and since we been watching tv and eating snacks all awhile the living they decide to CLEAR all the snacks and put it into the plastic bag and THROW AWAY. Yes. I guess my hp is in THAT plastic bag.
How it when it in? Don't ask.
Anyone can buy me a new phone?? =DD
Angry~ but my cousin said she check the plastic bag before throwing away. If is not in the plastic bag where is it? I tried calling, but after she throw it down the bin my hp shut down. Or is it low batt??
I think i wont be using hp for a while. Really until Jan. So anything post me a note on facebook or here=)
Oya, will be working from Mon 21 to next thursday at compass. =)
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