Was sick for the past 5days..=( fever,flu, sore throat, cough. Went to see doctor, and that clinic is damn ex la! $50. Never want to go there again... And still have to work that day. =( but donna let me off early!! Thanks! Cause she said i look so pale and weak. Seriously i WAS feeling damn cold and my throat was sooooo PAIN!
But i din go home straight=X I had to collect my pay at Etude HOuse!!! Yeah pay again! Lols
Last friday was the best day ever!!! Meet up with my fave cousins!!!! Poor lai feng had to wake up at 8 cause she's too excited to sleep! lols And she said waking up the princess is soooooo tiring..... But at last we meet at mall and we bought 4 same dress! Cause we going wedding dinner!!!! Yeah!!!!!
The makeup part was the best! We helping each other with fake lashes!! My whole room was soooo messy!!!! But like!! Clothes lying everywhere and makeup all over the floor lols
And Ta-DA! Finish!
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