yes 10pm. i was trying how to do a better makeup for my eyes. Since the next day i have no lecture!!! But in e afternoon i have NAFA laaa.... 2.4km again. I used to run (very good) but these few months i had not been doing any excerise that would burn my fats off. And i've been craving for fried food, i don't usually eat fried stuff. But just after i recover from my dietary (did i mention?) for 3days i been craving for fried food and now i got small dots on my face!!!!!!
And fats on my tummy!!!!
I'm going to stop eating all this unhealthy food!!!!
After NAFA the next day my body was aching all over, that proof how long i haven been excerise. And my leg muscle! So tight and pain! I can't even do split.
Oh right speaking about that, i haven been doing split for 4weeks. -.-

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